

    Insects (from Latin insectum) are hexapod invertebrates of the class Insecta. They are the largest group within the arthropod phylum. Insects have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (headthorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legscompound eyes, and a pair of antennae. Insects are the most diverse group of animals, with more than a million described species; they represent more than half of all animal species.

    The insect nervous system consists of a brain and a ventral nerve cord. Most insects reproduce by laying eggs. Insects breathe air through a system of paired openings along their sides, connected to small tubes that take air directly to the tissues. The blood therefore does not carry oxygen; it is only partly contained in vessels, and some circulates in an open hemocoel. Insect vision is mainly through their compound eyes, with additional small ocelli. Many insects can hear, using tympanal organs, which may be on the legs or other parts of the body. Their sense of smell is via receptors, usually on the antennae and the mouthparts.

    Nearly all insects hatch from eggs. Insect growth is constrained by the inelastic exoskeleton, so development involves a series of molts. The immature stages often differ from the adults in structure, habit and habitat. Groups that undergo four-stage metamorphosis often have a nearly immobile pupa. Insects that undergo three-stage metamorphosis lack a pupa, developing through a series of increasingly adult-like nymphal stages. The higher level relationship of the insects is unclear. Fossilized insects of enormous size have been found from the Paleozoic Era, including giant dragonfly-like insects with wingspans of 55 to 70 cm (22 to 28 in). The most diverse insect groups appear to have coevolved with flowering plants.

    Adult insects typically move about by walking and flying; some can swim. Insects are the only invertebrates that can achieve sustained powered flight; insect flight evolved just once. Many insects are at least partly aquatic, and have larvae with gills; in some species, the adults too are aquatic. Some species, such as water striders, can walk on the surface of water. Insects are mostly solitary, but some, such as beesants and termites, are social and live in large, well-organized colonies. Others, such as earwigs, provide maternal care, guarding their eggs and young. Insects can communicate with each other in a variety of ways. Male moths can sense the pheromones of female moths over great distances. Other species communicate with sounds: crickets stridulate, or rub their wings together, to attract a mate and repel other males. Lampyrid beetles communicate with light.

    Humans regard many insects as pests, especially those that damage crops, and attempt to control them using insecticides and other techniques. Others are parasitic, and may act as vectors of diseases. Insect pollinators are essential to the reproduction of many flowering plants and so to their ecosystems. Many insects are ecologically beneficial as predators of pest insects, while a few provide direct economic benefit. Two species in particular are economically important and were domesticated many centuries ago: silkworms for silk and honey bees for honey. Insects are consumed as food in 80% of the world’s nations, by people in roughly 3,000 ethnic groups. Human activities are having serious effects on insect biodiversity.


    The word insect comes from the Latin word insectum from in, “cut up”,[1] as insects appear to be cut into three parts. The Latin word was introduced by Pliny the Elder who calqued the Ancient Greek word ἔντομον éntomon “insect” (as in entomology) from ἔντομος éntomos “cut in pieces”;[2] this was Aristotle‘s term for this class of life in his biology, also in reference to their notched bodies. The English word insect first appears in 1601 in Philemon Holland‘s translation of Pliny.[3][4]

    Insects and other bugs

    Distinguishing features

    In common speech, insects and other terrestrial arthropods are often called bugs.[a] Entomologists to some extent reserve the name “bugs” for a narrow category of “true bugs“, insects of the order Hemiptera, such as cicadas and shield bugs.[6] Other terrestrial arthropods, such as centipedesmillipedeswoodlicespidersmites and scorpions, are sometimes confused with insects, since they have a jointed exoskeleton.[7] Adult insects are the only arthropods that ever have wings, with up to two pairs on the thorax. Whether winged or not, adult insects can be distinguished by their three-part body plan, with head, thorax, and abdomen; they have three pairs of legs on the thorax.[8]

    • Insects and other bugs that could be confused with them
    • Insect: Six legs, three-part body
      (head, thorax, abdomen),
      up to two pairs of wings
    • Spider: eight legs,
      two-part body
    • Woodlouse: seven pairs of legs, seven body segments (plus head and tail)
    • Centipede: many legs,
      one pair per segment
    • Millipede: many legs,
      two pairs per segment


    Main article: Insect biodiversity

    About half of all eukaryotes are insects (left side of diagram).

    Estimates of the total number of insect species vary considerably, suggesting that there are perhaps some 5.5 million insect species in existence, of which about one million have been described and named.[9] These constitute around half of all eukaryote species, including animalsplants, and fungi.[10] The most diverse insect orders are the Hemiptera (true bugs), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Diptera (true flies), Hymenoptera (wasps, ants, and bees), and Coleoptera (beetles), each with more than 100,000 described species.[9]

    Distribution and habitats

    Insects are distributed over every continent and almost every terrestrial habitat. There are many more species in the tropics, especially in rainforests, than in temperate zones.[11] The world’s regions have received widely differing amounts of attention from entomologists. The British Isles have been thoroughly surveyed, so that Gullan and Cranston 2014 state that the total of around 22,500 species is probably within 5% of the actual number there; they comment that Canada’s list of 30,000 described species is surely over half of the actual total. They add that the 3,000 species of the American Arctic must be broadly accurate. In contrast, a large majority of the insect species of the tropics and the southern hemisphere are probably undescribed.[11] Some 30–40,000 species inhabit freshwater; very few insects, perhaps a hundred species, are marine.[12] Insects such as snow scorpionflies flourish in cold habitats including the Arctic and at high altitude.[13] Insects such as desert locusts, ants, beetles, and termites are adapted to some of the hottest and driest environments on earth, such as the Sonoran Desert.[14]

    Phylogeny and evolution

    External phylogeny

    Insects form a clade, a natural group with a common ancestor, among the arthropods.[15] A phylogenetic analysis by Kjer et al. (2016) places the insects among the Hexapoda, six-legged animals with segmented bodies; their closest relatives are the Diplura (bristletails).[16]

    HexapodaCollembola (springtails) Protura (coneheads) Diplura (two-pronged bristletails) Insecta (=Ectognatha) 

    Internal phylogeny

    The internal phylogeny is based on the works of Wipfler et al. 2019 for the Polyneoptera,[17] Johnson et al. 2018 for the Paraneoptera,[18] and Kjer et al. 2016 for the Holometabola.[19] The numbers of described extant species (boldface for groups with over 100,000 species) are from Stork 2018.[9]

    InsectaMonocondyliaArchaeognatha (hump-backed/jumping bristletails, 513 spp) DicondyliaZygentoma (silverfish, firebrats, fishmoths, 560 spp) PterygotaPalaeopteraOdonata (dragonflies and damselflies, 5,899 spp) Ephemeroptera (mayflies, 3,240 spp) NeopteraPolyneopteraZoraptera (angel insects, 37 spp) Dermaptera (earwigs, 1,978 spp) Plecoptera (stoneflies, 3,743 spp) Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, katydids, 23,855 spp) NotopteraGrylloblattodea (ice crawlers, 34 spp) Mantophasmatodea (gladiators, 15 spp) Phasmatodea (stick insects, 3,014 spp) Embioptera (webspinners, 463 spp) DictyopteraMantodea (mantises, 2,400 spp) Blattodea (cockroaches and termites, 7,314 spp) EumetabolaParaneopteraPsocodea (book lice, barklice and sucking lice, 11,000 spp)  Hemiptera (true bugs, 103,590 spp) Thysanoptera (thrips, 5,864 spp) HolometabolaHymenoptera (sawflies, wasps, bees, ants, 116,861 spp) NeuropteroideaColeopteridaStrepsiptera (twisted-wing flies, 609 spp) Coleoptera (beetles, 386,500 spp) NeuropteridaRaphidioptera (snakeflies, 254 spp) Neuroptera (lacewings, 5,868 spp) Megaloptera (alderflies and dobsonflies, 354 spp) PanorpidaAmphiesmenopteraLepidoptera (butterflies and moths, 157,338 spp) Trichoptera (caddisflies, 14,391 spp) AntliophoraDiptera (true flies, 155,477 spp) Mecoptera (scorpionflies, 757 spp) Siphonaptera (fleas, 2,075 spp) larvae, pupaewings flex over abdomenwings



    Further information: Aristotle’s biology § Classification, and Insecta in the 10th edition of Systema Naturae

    Diagram of Linnaeus’s key to his seven orders of insect, 1758[20]ApterawinglessDiptera2‑wingedColeopteraforewings fully hardenedHemipteraforewings partly hardeneddissimilar pairsLepidopterawings scalyNeuropterano stingHymenopterastingwings membranoussimilar pairs4‑wingedwingedInsecta

    Aristotle was the first to describe the insects as a distinct group. He placed them as the second-lowest level of animals on his scala naturae, above the spontaneously generating sponges and worms, but below the hard-shelled marine snails. His classification remained in use for many centuries.[21]

    In 1758, in his Systema Naturae,[22] Carl Linnaeus divided the animal kingdom into six classes including Insecta. He created seven orders of insect according to the structure of their wings. These were the wingless Aptera, the two-winged Diptera, and five four-winged orders: the Coleoptera with fully-hardened forewings; the Hemiptera with partly-hardened forewings; the Lepidoptera with scaly wings; the Neuroptera with membranous wings but no sting; and the Hymenoptera, with membranous wings and a sting.[20]

    Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, in his 1809 Philosophie Zoologique, treated the insects as one of nine invertebrate phyla.[23] In his 1817 Le Règne AnimalGeorges Cuvier grouped all animals into four embranchements (“branches” with different body plans), one of which was the articulated animals, containing arthropods and annelids.[24] This arrangement was followed by the embryologist Karl Ernst von Baer in 1828, the zoologist Louis Agassiz in 1857, and the comparative anatomist Richard Owen in 1860.[25] In 1874, Ernst Haeckel divided the animal kingdom into two subkingdoms, one of which was Metazoa for the multicellular animals. It had five phyla, including the articulates.[26][25]


    See also: Category:Insect orders and Category:Insect families

    Traditional morphology-based systematics have usually given the Hexapoda the rank of superclass,[27] and identified four groups within it: insects (Ectognatha), CollembolaProtura, and Diplura, the latter three being grouped together as the Entognatha on the basis of internalized mouth parts.[28]

    The use of phylogenetic data has brought about numerous changes in relationships above the level of orders.[28] Insects can be divided into two groups historically treated as subclasses: wingless insects or Apterygota, and winged insects or Pterygota. The Apterygota traditionally consisted of the primitively wingless orders Archaeognatha (jumping bristletails) and Zygentoma (silverfish). However, Apterygota is not monophyletic, as Archaeognatha are sister to all other insects, based on the arrangement of their mandibles, while the Pterygota, the winged insects, emerged from within the Dicondylia, alongside the Zygentoma.[29]

    The Pterygota (Palaeoptera and Neoptera) are winged and have hardened plates on the outside of their body segments; the Neoptera have muscles that allow their wings to fold flat over the abdomen. Neoptera can be divided into groups with incomplete metamorphosis (Polyneoptera and Paraneoptera) and those with complete metamorphosis (Holometabola). The molecular finding that the traditional louse orders Mallophaga and Anoplura are within Psocoptera has led to the new taxon Psocodea.[30] Phasmatodea and Embiidina have been suggested to form the Eukinolabia.[31] Mantodea, Blattodea, and Isoptera form a monophyletic group, Dictyoptera.[32] Fleas are now thought to be closely related to boreid mecopterans.[33]

    Evolutionary history

    Main article: Evolution of insects

    The oldest fossil that may be a primitive wingless insect is Leverhulmia from the Early Devonian Windyfield chert.[34] The oldest known flying insects are from the mid-Carboniferous, around 328–324 million years ago. The group subsequently underwent a rapid explosive diversification. Claims that they originated substantially earlier, during the Silurian or Devonian (some 400 million years ago) based on molecular clock estimates, are unlikely to be correct, given the fossil record.[35]

    Four large-scale radiations of insects have occurred: beetles (from about 300 million years ago), flies (from about 250 million years ago), moths and wasps (both from about 150 million years ago).[36]

    The remarkably successful Hymenoptera (wasps, bees, and ants) appeared some 200 million years ago in the Triassic period, but achieved their wide diversity more recently in the Cenozoic era, which began 66 million years ago. Some highly successful insect groups evolved in conjunction with flowering plants, a powerful illustration of coevolution. Insects were among the earliest terrestrial herbivores and acted as major selection agents on plants.[37] Plants evolved chemical defenses against this herbivory and the insects, in turn, evolved mechanisms to deal with plant toxins. Many insects make use of these toxins to protect themselves from their predators. Such insects often advertise their toxicity using warning colors.[38]

    Morphology and physiology

    Main article: Insect morphology


    Insect morphology
    A– Head B– Thorax C– Abdomenantennaocellus (lower)ocellus (upper)compound eyebrain (cerebral ganglia)prothoraxdorsal blood vesseltracheal tubes (trunk with spiracle)mesothoraxmetathoraxforewinghindwingmidgut (stomach)dorsal tube (heart)ovaryhindgut (intestine, rectum, anus)anusoviductnerve cord (abdominal ganglia)Malpighian tubulestarsal padsclawstarsustibiafemurtrochanterforegut (crop, gizzard)thoracic ganglioncoxasalivary glandsubesophageal ganglionmouthparts

    Three-part body

    Insects have a segmented body supported by an exoskeleton, the hard outer covering made mostly of chitin. The body is organized into three interconnected units: the headthorax and abdomen. The head supports a pair of sensory antennae, a pair of compound eyes, zero to three simple eyes (or ocelli) and three sets of variously modified appendages that form the mouthparts. The thorax carries the three pairs of legs and up to two pairs of wings. The abdomen contains most of the digestive, respiratory, excretory and reproductive structures.[8]


    Further information: Insect morphology

    The head is enclosed in a hard, heavily sclerotized, unsegmented head capsule, which contains most of the sensing organs, including the antennae, compound eyes, ocelli, and mouthparts.[40] The thorax is composed of three sections named (from front to back) the prothoraxmesothorax and metathorax. The prothorax carries the first pair of legs. The mesothorax carries the second pair of legs and the front wings. The metathorax carries the third pair of legs and the hind wings.[8][40] The abdomen is the largest part of the insect, typically with 11–12 segments, and is less strongly sclerotized than the head or thorax. Each segment of the abdomen has sclerotized upper and lower plates (the tergum and sternum), connected to adjacent sclerotized parts by membranes. Each segment carries a pair of spiracles.[40]


    Main article: Arthropod cuticle

    The outer skeleton, the cuticle, is made up of two layers: the epicuticle, a thin and waxy water-resistant outer layer without chitin, and a lower layer, the thick chitinous procuticle. The procuticle has two layers: an outer exocuticle and an inner endocuticle. The tough and flexible endocuticle is built from numerous layers of fibrous chitin and proteins, criss-crossing each other in a sandwich pattern, while the exocuticle is rigid and sclerotized.[41][42] As an adaptation to life on land, insects have an enzyme that uses atmospheric oxygen to harden their cuticle, unlike crustaceans which use heavy calcium compounds for the same purpose. This makes the insect exoskeleton a lightweight material.[43]

    Internal systems

    Main article: Insect physiology


    The nervous system of an insect consists of a brain and a ventral nerve cord. The head capsule is made up of six fused segments, each with either a pair of ganglia, or a cluster of nerve cells outside of the brain. The first three pairs of ganglia are fused into the brain, while the three following pairs are fused into a structure of three pairs of ganglia under the insect’s esophagus, called the subesophageal ganglion.[44] The thoracic segments have one ganglion on each side, connected into a pair per segment. This arrangement is also seen in the first eight segments of the abdomen. Many insects have fewer ganglia than this.[45] Insects are capable of learning.[46]


    An insect uses its digestive system to extract nutrients and other substances from the food it consumes.[47] There is extensive variation among different orderslife stages, and even castes in the digestive system of insects.[48] The gut runs lengthwise through the body. It has three sections, with paired salivary glands and salivary reservoirs.[49] By moving its mouthparts the insect mixes its food with saliva.[50][51] Some insects, like flies, expel digestive enzymes onto their food to break it down, but most insects digest their food in the gut.[52] The foregut is lined with cuticule as protection from tough food. It includes the mouth, pharynx, and crop which stores food.[53] Digestion starts in the mouth with enzymes in the saliva. Strong muscles in the pharynx pump fluid into the mouth, lubricating the food, and enabling certain insects to feed on blood or from the xylem and phloem transport vessels of plants.[54] Once food leaves the crop, it passes to the midgut, where the majority of digestion takes place. Microscopic projections, microvilli, increase the surface area of the wall to absorb nutrients.[55] In the hindgut, undigested food particles are joined by uric acid to form fecal pellets; most of the water is absorbed, leaving a dry pellet to be eliminated. Insects may have one to hundreds of Malpighian tubules. These remove nitrogenous wastes from the hemolymph of the insect and regulate osmotic balance. Wastes and solutes are emptied directly into the alimentary canal, at the junction between the midgut and hindgut.[56]


    Main article: Insect reproductive system

    The reproductive system of female insects consist of a pair of ovaries, accessory glands, one or more spermathecae to store sperm, and ducts connecting these parts. The ovaries are made up of a variable number of egg tubes, ovarioles. Female insects make eggs, receive and store sperm, manipulate sperm from different males, and lay eggs. Accessory glands produce substances to maintain sperm and to protect the eggs. They can produce glue and protective substances for coating eggs, or tough coverings for a batch of eggs called oothecae.[57]

    For males, the reproductive system consists of one or two testes, suspended in the body cavity by tracheae. The testes contain sperm tubes or follicles in a membranous sac. These connect to a duct that leads to the outside. The terminal portion of the duct may be sclerotized to form the intromittent organ, the aedeagus.[58]


    Main article: Respiratory system of insects

    The tube-like heart (green) of the mosquito Anopheles gambiae extends horizontally across the body, interlinked with the diamond-shaped wing muscles (also green) and surrounded by pericardial cells (red). Blue depicts cell nuclei.

    Insect respiration is accomplished without lungs. Instead, insects have a system of internal tubes and sacs through which gases either diffuse or are actively pumped, delivering oxygen directly to tissues that need it via their tracheae and tracheoles. In most insects, air is taken in through paired spiracles, openings on the sides of the abdomen and thorax. The respiratory system limits the size of insects. As insects get larger, gas exchange via spiracles becomes less efficient, and thus the heaviest insect currently weighs less than 100 g. However, with increased atmospheric oxygen levels, as were present in the late Paleozoic, larger insects were possible, such as dragonflies with wingspans of more than two feet (60 cm).[59] Gas exchange patterns in insects range from continuous and diffusive ventilation, to discontinuous.[60][61][62][63]


    Further information: Insect physiology § Circulatory system

    Because oxygen is delivered directly to tissues via tracheoles, the circulatory system is not used to carry oxygen, and is therefore greatly reduced. The insect circulatory system is open; it has no veins or arteries, and instead consists of little more than a single, perforated dorsal tube that pulses peristaltically. This dorsal blood vessel is divided into two sections: the heart and aorta. The dorsal blood vessel circulates the hemolymph, arthropods’ fluid analog of blood, from the rear of the body cavity forward.[64][65] Hemolymph is composed of plasma in which hemocytes are suspended. Nutrients, hormones, wastes, and other substances are transported throughout the insect body in the hemolymph. Hemocytes include many types of cells that are important for immune responses, wound healing, and other functions. Hemolymph pressure may be increased by muscle contractions or by swallowing air into the digestive system to aid in molting.[66]


    Further information: Insect physiology § Sensory organs

    Most insects have a pair of large compound eyes and other sensory organs such as antennae able to detect movements and chemical stimuli on their heads.

    Many insects possess numerous specialized sensory organs able to detect stimuli including limb position (proprioception) by campaniform sensilla, light, water, chemicals (senses of taste and smell), sound, and heat.[67] Some insects such as bees can perceive ultraviolet wavelengths, or detect polarized light, while the antennae of male moths can detect the pheromones of female moths over distances of over a kilometer.[68] There is a trade-off between visual acuity and chemical or tactile acuity, such that most insects with well-developed eyes have reduced or simple antennae, and vice versa. Insects perceive sound by different mechanisms, such as thin vibrating membranes (tympana).[69] Insects were the earliest organisms to produce and sense sounds. Hearing has evolved independently at least 19 times in different insect groups.[70]

    Most insects, except some cave crickets, are able to perceive light and dark. Many have acute vision capable of detecting small and rapid movements. The eyes may include simple eyes or ocelli as well as larger compound eyes. Many species can detect light in the infraredultraviolet and visible light wavelengths, with color vision. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that UV-green-blue trichromacy existed from at least the Devonian period, some 400 million years ago.[71]

    The individual lenses in compound eyes are immobile, but fruit flies have photoreceptor cells underneath each lens which move rapidly in and out of focus, in a series of movements called photoreceptor microsaccades. This gives them, and possibly many other insects, a much clearer image of the world than previously assumed.[72]

    An insect’s sense of smell is via chemical receptors, usually on the antennae and the mouthparts. These detect both airborne volatile compounds and odorants on surfaces, including pheromones from other insects and compounds released by food plants. Insects use olfaction to locate mating partners, food, and places to lay eggs, and to avoid predators. It is thus an extremely important sense, enabling insects to discriminate between thousands of volatile compounds.[73]

    Some insects are capable of magnetoreception; ants and bees navigate using it both locally (near their nests) and when migrating.[74] The Brazilian stingless bee detects magnetic fields using the hair-like sensilla on its antennae.[75][76]

    Reproduction and development


    Butterflies mating

    The majority of insects hatch from eggs. The fertilization and development takes place inside the egg, enclosed by a shell (chorion) that consists of maternal tissue. In contrast to eggs of other arthropods, most insect eggs are drought resistant. This is because inside the chorion two additional membranes develop from embryonic tissue, the amnion and the serosa. This serosa secretes a cuticle rich in chitin that protects the embryo against desiccation.[77] Some species of insects, like aphids and tsetse flies, are ovoviviparous: their eggs develop entirely inside the female, and then hatch immediately upon being laid.[78] Some other species, such as in the cockroach genus Diploptera, are viviparousgestating inside the mother and born alive.[79] Some insects, like parasitoid wasps, are polyembryonic, meaning that a single fertilized egg divides into many separate embryos.[80] Insects may be univoltine, bivoltine or multivoltine, having one, two or many broods in a year.[81]

    Aphid giving birth to live female young by parthenogenesis from unfertilized eggs

    A female leaf-footed bug deposits an egg before flying off.

    Other developmental and reproductive variations include haplodiploidypolymorphismpaedomorphosis or peramorphosissexual dimorphism, parthenogenesis, and more rarely hermaphroditism.[82][83] In haplodiploidy, which is a type of sex-determination system, the offspring’s sex is determined by the number of sets of chromosomes an individual receives. This system is typical in bees and wasps.[84]

    Some insects are parthenogenetic, meaning that the female can reproduce and give birth without having the eggs fertilized by a male. Many aphids undergo a cyclical form of parthenogenesis in which they alternate between one or many generations of asexual and sexual reproduction.[85][86] In summer, aphids are generally female and parthenogenetic; in the autumn, males may be produced for sexual reproduction. Other insects produced by parthenogenesis are bees, wasps and ants; in their haplodiploid system, diploid females spawn many females and a few haploid males.[78]


    Metamorphosis in insects is the process of development that converts young to adults. There are two forms of metamorphosis: incomplete and complete.


    Main article: Hemimetabolism

    Incomplete metamorphosis in a locust with multiple instars. Egg is not shown. The largest specimen is adult.

    Hemimetabolous insects, those with incomplete metamorphosis, change gradually after hatching from the egg by undergoing a series of molts through stages called instars, until the final, adult, stage is reached. An insect molts when it outgrows its exoskeleton, which does not stretch and would otherwise restrict the insect’s growth. The molting process begins as the insect’s epidermis secretes a new epicuticle inside the old one. After this new epicuticle is secreted, the epidermis releases a mixture of enzymes that digests the endocuticle and thus detaches the old cuticle. When this stage is complete, the insect makes its body swell by taking in a large quantity of water or air; this makes the old cuticle split along predefined weaknesses where it was thinnest.[87][88]


    Main article: Holometabolism

    Life-cycle of butterfly, undergoing complete metamorphosis from egg through caterpillar larvae to pupa and adult

    Holometabolism, or complete metamorphosis, is where the insect changes in four stages, an egg or embryo, a larva, a pupa and the adult or imago. In these species, an egg hatches to produce a larva, which is generally worm-like in form. This can be eruciform (caterpillar-like), scarabaeiform (grub-like), campodeiform (elongated, flattened and active), elateriform (wireworm-like) or vermiform (maggot-like). The larva grows and eventually becomes a pupa, a stage marked by reduced movement. There are three types of pupae: obtect, exarate or coarctate. Obtect pupae are compact, with the legs and other appendages enclosed. Exarate pupae have their legs and other appendages free and extended. Coarctate pupae develop inside the larval skin.[89] Insects undergo considerable change in form during the pupal stage, and emerge as adults. Butterflies are well-known for undergoing complete metamorphosis; most insects use this life cycle. Some insects have evolved this system to hypermetamorphosis. Complete metamorphosis is a trait of the most diverse insect group, the Endopterygota.[82]


    Insects that produce sound can generally hear it. Most insects can hear only a narrow range of frequencies related to the frequency of the sounds they can produce. Mosquitoes can hear up to 2 kilohertz.[90] Certain predatory and parasitic insects can detect the characteristic sounds made by their prey or hosts, respectively. Likewise, some nocturnal moths can perceive the ultrasonic emissions of bats, which helps them avoid predation.[91]

    Light production

    A few insects, such as Mycetophilidae (Diptera) and the beetle families LampyridaePhengodidaeElateridae and Staphylinidae are bioluminescent. The most familiar group are the fireflies, beetles of the family Lampyridae. Some species are able to control this light generation to produce flashes. The function varies with some species using them to attract mates, while others use them to lure prey. Cave dwelling larvae of Arachnocampa (Mycetophilidae, fungus gnats) glow to lure small flying insects into sticky strands of silk.[92] Some fireflies of the genus Photuris mimic the flashing of female Photinus species to attract males of that species, which are then captured and devoured.[93] The colors of emitted light vary from dull blue (Orfelia fultoni, Mycetophilidae) to the familiar greens and the rare reds (Phrixothrix tiemanni, Phengodidae).[94]

    Sound production

    Insects make sounds mostly by mechanical action of appendages. In grasshoppers and crickets, this is achieved by stridulationCicadas make the loudest sounds among the insects by producing and amplifying sounds with special modifications to their body to form tymbals and associated musculature. The African cicada Brevisana brevis has been measured at 106.7 decibels at a distance of 50 cm (20 in).[95] Some insects, such as the Helicoverpa zea moths, hawk moths and Hedylid butterflies, can hear ultrasound and take evasive action when they sense that they have been detected by bats.[96][97] Some moths produce ultrasonic clicks that warn predatory bats of their unpalatability (acoustic aposematism),[98] while some palatable moths have evolved to mimic these calls (acoustic Batesian mimicry).[99] The claim that some moths can jam bat sonar has been revisited. Ultrasonic recording and high-speed infrared videography of bat-moth interactions suggest the palatable tiger moth really does defend against attacking big brown bats using ultrasonic clicks that jam bat sonar.[100]

    Grasshopper stridulation

    Duration: 18 seconds.0:18

    Several unidentified grasshoppers stridulating

    Problems playing this file? See media help.

    Very low sounds are produced in various species of ColeopteraHymenopteraLepidopteraMantodea and Neuroptera. These low sounds are produced by the insect’s movement, amplified by stridulatory structures on the insect’s muscles and joints; these sounds can be used to warn or communicate with other insects. Most sound-making insects also have tympanal organs that can perceive airborne sounds. Some hemipterans, such as the water boatmen, communicate via underwater sounds.[101]Duration: 11 seconds.0:11Cricket in garage with familiar call

    Communication using surface-borne vibrational signals is more widespread among insects because of size constraints in producing air-borne sounds.[102] Insects cannot effectively produce low-frequency sounds, and high-frequency sounds tend to disperse more in a dense environment (such as foliage), so insects living in such environments communicate primarily using substrate-borne vibrations.[103]

    Some species use vibrations for communicating, such as to attract mates as in the songs of the shield bug Nezara viridula.[104] Vibrations can also be used to communicate between species; lycaenid caterpillars, which form a mutualistic association with ants communicate with ants in this way.[105] The Madagascar hissing cockroach has the ability to press air through its spiracles to make a hissing noise as a sign of aggression;[106] the death’s-head hawkmoth makes a squeaking noise by forcing air out of their pharynx when agitated, which may also reduce aggressive worker honey bee behavior when the two are close.[107]

    Chemical communication

    Main articles: Chemical communication in insects and Insect olfaction

    Social insects such as ants have multiple types of pheromonal glands, producing different semiochemicals for communication with other insects.[108]

    Many insects have evolved chemical means for communication. These semiochemicals are often derived from plant metabolites including those meant to attract, repel and provide other kinds of information. Pheromones are used for attracting mates of the opposite sex, for aggregating conspecific individuals of both sexes, for deterring other individuals from approaching, to mark a trail, and to trigger aggression in nearby individuals. Allomones benefit their producer by the effect they have upon the receiver. Kairomones benefit their receiver instead of their producer. Synomones benefit the producer and the receiver. While some chemicals are targeted at individuals of the same species, others are used for communication across species. The use of scents is especially well-developed in social insects.[108] Cuticular hydrocarbons are nonstructural materials produced and secreted to the cuticle surface to fight desiccation and pathogens. They are important, too, as pheromones, especially in social insects.[109]

    Social behavior

    Main article: Eusociality

    cathedral mound created by eusocial mound-building termites.

    Honey bee‘s figure-eight waggle dance. An orientation 45° to the right of ‘up’ on the comb indicates food 45° to the right of the sun. The dancer’s rapid waggling blurs her abdomen.

    Social insects, such as termitesants and many bees and wasps, are eusocial.[110] They live together in such large well-organized colonies of genetically similar individuals that they are sometimes considered superorganisms. In particular, reproduction is largely limited to a queen caste; other females are workers, prevented from reproducing by worker policingHoney bees have evolved a system of abstract symbolic communication where a behavior is used to represent and convey specific information about the environment. In this communication system, called dance language, the angle at which a bee dances represents a direction relative to the sun, and the length of the dance represents the distance to be flown.[111] Bumblebees too have some social communication behaviors. Bombus terrestris, for example, more rapidly learns about visiting unfamiliar, yet rewarding flowers, when they can see a conspecific foraging on the same species.[112]

    Only insects that live in nests or colonies possess fine-scale spatial orientation. Some can navigate unerringly to a single hole a few millimeters in diameter among thousands of similar holes, after a trip of several kilometers. In philopatry, insects that hibernate are able to recall a specific location up to a year after last viewing the area of interest.[113] A few insects seasonally migrate large distances between different geographic regions, as in the continent-wide monarch butterfly migration.[114]

    Care of young

    Eusocial insects build nests, guard eggs, and provide food for offspring full-time. Most insects, however, lead short lives as adults, and rarely interact with one another except to mate or compete for mates. A small number provide parental care, where they at least guard their eggs, and sometimes guard their offspring until adulthood, possibly even feeding them. Many wasps and bees construct a nest or burrow, store provisions in it, and lay an egg upon those provisions, providing no further care.[115]



    Main article: Insect flight

    Insects such as hoverflies are capable of rapid and agile flight.

    Insects are the only group of invertebrates to have developed flight. The ancient groups of insects in the Palaeoptera, the dragonflies, damselflies and mayflies, operate their wings directly by paired muscles attached to points on each wing base that raise and lower them. This can only be done at a relatively slow rate. All other insects, the Neoptera, have indirect flight, in which the flight muscles cause rapid oscillation of the thorax: there can be more wingbeats than nerve impulses commanding the muscles. One pair of flight muscles is aligned vertically, contracting to pull the top of the thorax down, and the wings up. The other pair runs longitudinally, contracting to force the top of the thorax up and the wings down.[116][117] Most insects gain aerodynamic lift by creating a spiralling vortex at the leading edge of the wings.[118] Small insects like thrips with tiny feathery wings gain lift using the clap and fling mechanism; the wings are clapped together and pulled apart, flinging vortices into the air at the leading edges and at the wingtips.[119][120]

    The evolution of insect wings has been a subject of debate; it has been suggested they came from modified gills, flaps on the spiracles, or an appendage, the epicoxa, at the base of the legs.[121] More recently, entomologists have favored evolution of wings from lobes of the notum, of the pleuron, or more likely both.[122] In the Carboniferous age, the dragonfly-like Meganeura had as much as a 50 cm (20 in) wide wingspan. The appearance of gigantic insects is consistent with high atmospheric oxygen at that time, as the respiratory system of insects constrains their size.[123] The largest flying insects today are much smaller, with the largest wingspan belonging to the white witch moth (Thysania agrippina), at approximately 28 cm (11 in).[124]

    Unlike birds, small insects are swept along by the prevailing winds[125] although many larger insects migrateAphids are transported long distances by low-level jet streams.[126]


    Further information: Walking § InsectsDuration: 45 seconds.0:45Spatial and temporal stepping pattern of walking desert ants performing an alternating tripod gait. Recording rate: 500 fps, Playback rate: 10 fps.

    Many adult insects use six legs for walking, with an alternating tripod gait. This allows for rapid walking with a stable stance; it has been studied extensively in cockroaches and ants. For the first step, the middle right leg and the front and rear left legs are in contact with the ground and move the insect forward, while the front and rear right leg and the middle left leg are lifted and moved forward to a new position. When they touch the ground to form a new stable triangle, the other legs can be lifted and brought forward in turn.[127] The purest form of the tripedal gait is seen in insects moving at high speeds. However, this type of locomotion is not rigid and insects can adapt a variety of gaits. For example, when moving slowly, turning, avoiding obstacles, climbing or slippery surfaces, four (tetrapodal) or more feet (wave-gait) may be touching the ground.[128] Cockroaches are among the fastest insect runners and, at full speed, adopt a bipedal run. More sedate locomotion is seen in the well-camouflaged stick insects (Phasmatodea). A small number of species such as Water striders can move on the surface of water; their claws are recessed in a special groove, preventing the claws from piercing the water’s surface film.[62] The ocean-skaters in the genus Halobates even live on the surface of open oceans, a habitat that has few insect species.[129]


    Main article: Aquatic insects

    The backswimmer Notonecta glauca underwater, showing its paddle-like hindleg adaptation

    A large number of insects live either part or the whole of their lives underwater. In many of the more primitive orders of insect, the immature stages are aquatic. In some groups, such as water beetles, the adults too are aquatic.[62]

    Many of these species are adapted for under-water locomotion. Water beetles and water bugs have legs adapted into paddle-like structures. Dragonfly naiads use jet propulsion, forcibly expelling water out of their rectal chamber.[130] Other insects such as the rove beetle Stenus emit pygidial gland surfactant secretions that reduce surface tension; this enables them to move on the surface of water by Marangoni propulsion.[131][132]


    Main article: Insect ecology

    Insects play many critical roles in ecosystems, including soil turning and aeration, dung burial, pest control, pollination and wildlife nutrition.[133] For instance, termites modify the environment around their nests, encouraging grass growth;[134] many beetles are scavengers; dung beetles recycle biological materials into forms useful to other organisms.[135][136] Insects are responsible for much of the process by which topsoil is created.[137]


    Main article: Defense in insects

    Reduvius personatus, the masked hunter bug nymphcamouflages itself with sand grains to avoid predators.

    Insects are mostly small, soft bodied, and fragile compared to larger lifeforms. The immature stages are small, move slowly or are immobile, and so all stages are exposed to predation and parasitism. Insects accordingly employ multiple defensive strategies, including camouflagemimicry, toxicity and active defense.[138] Many insects rely on camouflage to avoid being noticed by their predators or prey.[139] It is common among leaf beetles and weevils that feed on wood or vegetation.[138] Stick insects mimic the forms of sticks and leaves.[140] Many insects use mimicry to deceive predators into avoiding them. In Batesian mimicry, edible species, such as of hoverflies (the mimics), gain a survival advantage by resembling inedible species (the models).[138][141] In Müllerian mimicry, inedible species, such as of wasps and bees, resemble each other so as to reduce the sampling rate by predators who need to learn that those insects are inedible. Heliconius butterflies, many of which are toxic, form Müllerian complexes, advertising their inedibility.[142] Chemical defense is common among Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, usually being advertised by bright warning colors (aposematism), as in the monarch butterfly. As larvae, they obtain their toxicity by sequestering chemicals from the plants they eat into their own tissues. Some manufacture their own toxins. Predators that eat poisonous butterflies and moths may vomit violently, learning not to eat insects with similar markings; this is the basis of Müllerian mimicry.[143] Some ground beetles of the family Carabidae actively defend themselves, spraying chemicals from their abdomen with great accuracy, to repel predators.[138]


    Main article: Entomophily

    European honey bee carrying pollen in a pollen basket back to the hive

    Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred in the reproduction of plants, thereby enabling fertilisation and sexual reproduction.[144] Most flowering plants require an animal to do the transportation. The majority of pollination is by insects.[145] Because insects usually receive benefit for the pollination in the form of energy rich nectar it is a mutualism. The various flower traits, such as bright colors and pheromones that coevolved with their pollinators, have been called pollination syndromes, though around one third of flowers cannot be assigned to a single syndrome.[146]


    Further information: Parasitism and Parasitoid wasp

    Many insects are parasitic. The largest group, with over 100,000 species[147] and perhaps over a million,[148] consists of a single clade of parasitoid wasps among the Hymenoptera.[149] These are parasites of other insects, eventually killing their hosts.[147] Some are hyper-parasites, as their hosts are other parasitoid wasps.[147][150] Several groups of insects can be considered as either micropredators or external parasites;[151][152] for example, many hemipteran bugs have piercing and sucking mouthparts, adapted for feeding on plant sap,[153][154] while species in groups such as fleaslice, and mosquitoes are hematophagous, feeding on the blood of animals.[152]

    Relationship to humans

    Main article: Human interactions with insects

    As pests

    Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, is a vector of several diseases.

    Main article: Pest insect

    Many insects are considered pests by humans. These include parasites of people and livestock, such as lice and bed bugsmosquitoes act as vectors of several diseases. Other pests include insects like termites that damage wooden structures; herbivorous insects such as locusts, aphids, and thrips that destroy agricultural crops, or like wheat weevils damage stored agricultural produce. Farmers have often attempted to control insects with chemical insecticides, but increasingly rely on biological pest control. This uses one organism to reduce the population density of a pest organism; it is a key element of integrated pest management.[156][157] Biological control is favored because insecticides can cause harm to ecosystems far beyond the intended pest targets.[158][159]

    In beneficial roles

    See also: Economic entomology § Beneficial insects

    Silkworms were domesticated for silk over 5,000 years ago.[160][161] Here, silk cocoons are being unrolled.

    Pollination of flowering plants by insects including beesbutterfliesflies, and beetles, is economically important.[162] The value of insect pollination of crops and fruit trees was estimated in 2021 to be about $34 billion in the US alone.[163]

    Insects produce useful substances such as honey,[164] wax,[165][166] lacquer[167] and silk.[168] Honey bees have been cultured by humans for thousands of years for honey.[169] Beekeeping in pottery vessels began about 9,000 years ago in North Africa.[170] The silkworm has greatly affected human history, as silk-driven trade established relationships between China and the rest of the world.[171][172]

    Insects that feed on or parasitise other insects are beneficial to humans if they thereby reduce damage to agriculture and human structures. For example, aphids feed on crops, causing economic loss, but ladybugs feed on aphids, and can be used to control them. Insects account for the vast majority of insect consumption.[173][174][175]

    Fly larvae (maggots) were formerly used to treat wounds to prevent or stop gangrene, as they would only consume dead flesh. This treatment is finding modern usage in some hospitals. Insects have gained attention as potential sources of drugs and other medicinal substances.[176] Adult insects, such as crickets and insect larvae of various kinds, are commonly used as fishing bait.[177]

    Population declines

    Main article: Decline in insect populations

    At least 66 insect species extinctions have been recorded since 1500, many of them on oceanic islands.[178] Declines in insect abundance have been attributed to human activity in the form of artificial lighting,[179] land use changes such as urbanization or farming,[180][181] pesticide use,[182] and invasive species.[183][184] A 2019 research review suggested that a large proportion of insect species is threatened with extinction in the 21st century,[185] though the details have been disputed.[186] A larger 2020 meta-study, analyzing data from 166 long-term surveys, suggested that populations of terrestrial insects are indeed decreasing rapidly, by about 9% per decade.[187][188]

    In research

    The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a widely used model organism.

    Insects play important roles in biological research. For example, because of its small size, short generation time and high fecundity, the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a model organism for studies in the genetics of eukaryotes, including genetic linkageinteractions between geneschromosomal genetics, development, behavior and evolution. Because genetic systems are well conserved among eukaryotes, understanding basic cellular processes like DNA replication or transcription in fruit flies can help to understand those processes in other eukaryotes, including humans.[189] The genome of D. melanogaster was sequenced in 2000, reflecting the organism’s important role in biological research. It was found that 70% of the fly genome is similar to the human genome, supporting the theory of evolution.[190]

    As food

    Main article: Insects as food

    Witchetty grubs are prized as high-protein foods by Aboriginal Australians.[191]

    Insects are consumed as food in 80% of the world’s nations, by people in roughly 3,000 ethnic groups.[192][193] In Africa, locally abundant species of locusts and termites are a common traditional human food source.[194] Some, especially deep-fried cicadas, are considered to be delicacies. Insects have a high protein content for their mass, and some authors suggest their potential as a major source of protein in human nutrition.[195] In most first-world countries, however, entomophagy (the eating of insects), is taboo.[196] They are also recommended by armed forces as a survival food for troops in adversity.[194] Because of the abundance of insects and a worldwide concern of food shortages, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations considers that people throughout the world may have to eat insects as a food staple. Insects are noted for their nutrients, having a high content of protein, minerals and fats and are already regularly eaten by one-third of the world’s population.[197]

    In other products

    Black soldier fly larvae can provide protein and fats for use in cosmetics.[198] Insect cooking oil, insect butter and fatty alcohols can be made from such insects as the superworm (Zophobas morio).[199] Insect species including the black soldier fly or the housefly in their maggot forms, and beetle larvae such as mealworms, can be processed and used as feed for farmed animals including chicken, fish and pigs.[200] Many species of insects are sold and kept as pets.[201]

    In religion and folklore

    Further information: Insects in mythology

    Ancient Egyptian scarab with separate wings, c. 712-342 BC

    Scarab beetles held religious and cultural symbolism in ancient EgyptGreece and some shamanistic Old World cultures. The ancient Chinese regarded cicadas as symbols of rebirth or immortality. In Mesopotamian literature, the epic poem of Gilgamesh has allusions to Odonata that signify the impossibility of immortality. Among the Aborigines of Australia of the Arrernte language groups, honey ants and witchetty grubs served as personal clan totems. In the case of the ‘San’ bush-men of the Kalahari, it is the praying mantis that holds much cultural significance including creation and zen-like patience in waiting.[202]


    Animals are multicellulareukaryotic organisms in the biological kingdom Animalia (/ˌænɪˈmeɪliə/[4]). With few exceptions, animals consume organic materialbreathe oxygen, have myocytes and are able to move, can reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development. Animals form a clade, meaning that they arose from a single common ancestor. Over 1.5 million living animal species have been described, of which around 1.05 million are insects, over 85,000 are molluscs, and around 65,000 are vertebrates. It has been estimated there are as many as 7.77 million animal species on Earth. Animal body lengths range from 8.5 μm (0.00033 in) to 33.6 m (110 ft). They have complex ecologies and interactions with each other and their environments, forming intricate food webs. The scientific study of animals is known as zoology, and the study of animal behaviour is known as ethology.

    The animal kingdom is divided into five infrakingdoms/superphyla, namely PoriferaCtenophoraPlacozoaCnidaria and Bilateria. Most living animal species belong to the infrakingdom Bilateria, a highly proliferative clade whose members have a bilaterally symmetric and significantly cephalised body plan, and the vast majority of bilaterians belong to two large superphyla: the protostomes, which includes organisms such as arthropodsmolluscsflatwormsannelids and nematodes; and the deuterostomes, which include echinodermshemichordates and chordates, the latter of which contains the vertebrates. The much smaller basal phylum Xenacoelomorpha have an uncertain position within Bilateria.

    Animals first appeared in the fossil record in the late Cryogenian period and diversified in the subsequent Ediacaran period in what is known as the Avalon explosion. Earlier evidence of animals is still controversial; the sponge-like organism Otavia has been dated back to the Tonian period at the start of the Neoproterozoic, but its identity as an animal is heavily contested.[5] Nearly all modern animal phyla first appeared in the fossil record as marine species during the Cambrian explosion, which began around 539 million years ago (Mya), and most classes during the Ordovician radiation 485.4 Mya. Common to all living animals, 6,331 groups of genes have been identified that may have arisen from a single common ancestor that lived about 650 Mya during the Cryogenian period.

    Historically, Aristotle divided animals into those with blood and those withoutCarl Linnaeus created the first hierarchical biological classification for animals in 1758 with his Systema Naturae, which Jean-Baptiste Lamarck expanded into 14 phyla by 1809. In 1874, Ernst Haeckel divided the animal kingdom into the multicellular Metazoa (now synonymous with Animalia) and the Protozoa, single-celled organisms no longer considered animals. In modern times, the biological classification of animals relies on advanced techniques, such as molecular phylogenetics, which are effective at demonstrating the evolutionary relationships between taxa.

    Humans make use of many other animal species for food (including meateggs, and dairy products), for materials (such as leatherfur, and wool), as pets and as working animals for transportation, and servicesDogs, the first domesticated animal, have been used in huntingin security and in warfare, as have horsespigeons and birds of prey; while other terrestrial and aquatic animals are hunted for sports, trophies or profits. Non-human animals are also an important cultural element of human evolution, having appeared in cave arts and totems since the earliest times, and are frequently featured in mythologyreligionartsliteratureheraldrypolitics, and sports.


    The word animal comes from the Latin noun animal of the same meaning, which is itself derived from Latin animalis ‘having breath or soul’.[6] The biological definition includes all members of the kingdom Animalia.[7] In colloquial usage, the term animal is often used to refer only to nonhuman animals.[8][9][10][11] The term metazoa is derived from Ancient Greek μετα meta ‘after’ (in biology, the prefix meta- stands for ‘later’) and ζῷᾰ zōia ‘animals’, plural of ζῷον zōion ‘animal’.[12][13]


    Animals are unique in having the ball of cells of the early embryo (1) develop into a hollow ball or blastula (2).

    Animals have several characteristics that they share with other living things. Animals are eukaryoticmulticellular, and aerobic, as are plants and fungi.[14] Unlike plants and algae, which produce their own food,[15] animals cannot produce their own food[16][17] a feature they share with fungi. Animals ingest organic material and digest it internally.[18]

    Structural features

    Animals have structural characteristics that set them apart from all other living things:

    Typically, there is an internal digestive chamber with either one opening (in Ctenophora, Cnidaria, and flatworms) or two openings (in most bilaterians).[26]


    Animal development is controlled by Hox genes, which signal the times and places to develop structures such as body segments and limbs.[27][28]

    During development, the animal extracellular matrix forms a relatively flexible framework upon which cells can move about and be reorganised into specialised tissues and organs, making the formation of complex structures possible, and allowing cells to be differentiated.[29] The extracellular matrix may be calcified, forming structures such as shellsbones, and spicules.[30] In contrast, the cells of other multicellular organisms (primarily algae, plants, and fungi) are held in place by cell walls, and so develop by progressive growth.[31]


    See also: Sexual reproduction § Animals, and Asexual reproduction § Examples in animals

    Sexual reproduction is nearly universal in animals, such as these dragonflies.

    Nearly all animals make use of some form of sexual reproduction.[32] They produce haploid gametes by meiosis; the smaller, motile gametes are spermatozoa and the larger, non-motile gametes are ova.[33] These fuse to form zygotes,[34] which develop via mitosis into a hollow sphere, called a blastula. In sponges, blastula larvae swim to a new location, attach to the seabed, and develop into a new sponge.[35] In most other groups, the blastula undergoes more complicated rearrangement.[36] It first invaginates to form a gastrula with a digestive chamber and two separate germ layers, an external ectoderm and an internal endoderm.[37] In most cases, a third germ layer, the mesoderm, also develops between them.[38] These germ layers then differentiate to form tissues and organs.[39]

    Repeated instances of mating with a close relative during sexual reproduction generally leads to inbreeding depression within a population due to the increased prevalence of harmful recessive traits.[40][41] Animals have evolved numerous mechanisms for avoiding close inbreeding.[42]

    Some animals are capable of asexual reproduction, which often results in a genetic clone of the parent. This may take place through fragmentationbudding, such as in Hydra and other cnidarians; or parthenogenesis, where fertile eggs are produced without mating, such as in aphids.[43][44]


    Predators, such as this ultramarine flycatcher (Ficedula superciliaris), feed on other animals.

    Animals are categorised into ecological groups depending on their trophic levels and how they consume organic material. Such groupings include carnivores (further divided into subcategories such as piscivoresinsectivoresovivores, etc.), herbivores (subcategorised into folivoresgraminivoresfrugivoresgranivoresnectarivoresalgivores, etc.), omnivoresfungivoresscavengers/detritivores,[45] and parasites.[46] Interactions between animals of each biome form complex food webs within that ecosystem. In carnivorous or omnivorous species, predation is a consumer–resource interaction where the predator feeds on another organism, its prey,[47] who often evolves anti-predator adaptations to avoid being fed upon. Selective pressures imposed on one another lead to an evolutionary arms race between predator and prey, resulting in various antagonistic/competitive coevolutions.[48][49] Almost all multicellular predators are animals.[50] Some consumers use multiple methods; for example, in parasitoid wasps, the larvae feed on the hosts’ living tissues, killing them in the process,[51] but the adults primarily consume nectar from flowers.[52] Other animals may have very specific feeding behaviours, such as hawksbill sea turtles which mainly eat sponges.[53]

    Hydrothermal vent mussels and shrimps

    Most animals rely on biomass and bioenergy produced by plants and phytoplanktons (collectively called producers) through photosynthesis. Herbivores, as primary consumers, eat the plant material directly to digest and absorb the nutrients, while carnivores and other animals on higher trophic levels indirectly acquire the nutrients by eating the herbivores or other animals that have eaten the herbivores. Animals oxidise carbohydrateslipidsproteins and other biomolecules, which allows the animal to grow and to sustain basal metabolism and fuel other biological processes such as locomotion.[54][55] Some benthic animals living close to hydrothermal vents and cold seeps on the dark sea floor consume organic matter produced through chemosynthesis (via oxidising inorganic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide) by archaea and bacteria.[56]

    Animals evolved in the sea. Lineages of arthropods colonised land around the same time as land plants, probably between 510 and 471 million years ago during the Late Cambrian or Early Ordovician.[57] Vertebrates such as the lobe-finned fish Tiktaalik started to move on to land in the late Devonian, about 375 million years ago.[58][59] Animals occupy virtually all of earth’s habitats and microhabitats, with faunas adapted to salt water, hydrothermal vents, fresh water, hot springs, swamps, forests, pastures, deserts, air, and the interiors of other organisms.[60] Animals are however not particularly heat tolerant; very few of them can survive at constant temperatures above 50 °C (122 °F)[61] or in the most extreme cold deserts of continental Antarctica.[62]



    Further information: Largest organisms and Smallest organisms

    The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest animal that has ever lived, weighing up to 190 tonnes and measuring up to 33.6 metres (110 ft) long.[63][64] The largest extant terrestrial animal is the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana), weighing up to 12.25 tonnes[63] and measuring up to 10.67 metres (35.0 ft) long.[63] The largest terrestrial animals that ever lived were titanosaur sauropod dinosaurs such as Argentinosaurus, which may have weighed as much as 73 tonnes, and Supersaurus which may have reached 39 metres.[65][66] Several animals are microscopic; some Myxozoa (obligate parasites within the Cnidaria) never grow larger than 20 μm,[67] and one of the smallest species (Myxobolus shekel) is no more than 8.5 μm when fully grown.[68]

    Numbers and habitats of major phyla

    The following table lists estimated numbers of described extant species for the major animal phyla,[69] along with their principal habitats (terrestrial, fresh water,[70] and marine),[71] and free-living or parasitic ways of life.[72] Species estimates shown here are based on numbers described scientifically; much larger estimates have been calculated based on various means of prediction, and these can vary wildly. For instance, around 25,000–27,000 species of nematodes have been described, while published estimates of the total number of nematode species include 10,000–20,000; 500,000; 10 million; and 100 million.[73] Using patterns within the taxonomic hierarchy, the total number of animal species—including those not yet described—was calculated to be about 7.77 million in 2011.[74][75][a]

    Arthropoda1,257,000[69]Yes 1,000,000
    Yes >40,000
    Yes 94,000[70]Yes[71]Yes >45,000[b][72]
    Nematoda25,000[69]Yes (soil)[71]4,000[73]2,000[70]11,000[73]14,000[73]
    Annelida17,000[69]Yes (soil)[71]Yes[71]1,750[70]Yes400[72]
    (moist plants)

    Evolutionary origin

    Further information: Urmetazoan

    Evidence of animals is found as long ago as the Cryogenian period. 24-Isopropylcholestane (24-ipc) has been found in rocks from roughly 650 million years ago; it is only produced by sponges and pelagophyte algae. Its likely origin is from sponges based on molecular clock estimates for the origin of 24-ipc production in both groups. Analyses of pelagophyte algae consistently recover a Phanerozoic origin, while analyses of sponges recover a Neoproterozoic origin, consistent with the appearance of 24-ipc in the fossil record.[91][92]

    The first body fossils of animals appear in the Ediacaran, represented by forms such as Charnia and Spriggina. It had long been doubted whether these fossils truly represented animals,[93][94][95] but the discovery of the animal lipid cholesterol in fossils of Dickinsonia establishes their nature.[96] Animals are thought to have originated under low-oxygen conditions, suggesting that they were capable of living entirely by anaerobic respiration, but as they became specialised for aerobic metabolism they became fully dependent on oxygen in their environments.[97]

    Many animal phyla first appear in the fossil record during the Cambrian explosion, starting about 539 million years ago, in beds such as the Burgess shale.[98] Extant phyla in these rocks include molluscsbrachiopodsonychophoranstardigradesarthropodsechinoderms and hemichordates, along with numerous now-extinct forms such as the predatory Anomalocaris. The apparent suddenness of the event may however be an artefact of the fossil record, rather than showing that all these animals appeared simultaneously.[99][100][101][102][103] That view is supported by the discovery of Auroralumina attenboroughii, the earliest known Ediacaran crown-group cnidarian (557–562 mya, some 20 million years before the Cambrian explosion) from Charnwood Forest, England. It is thought to be one of the earliest predators, catching small prey with its nematocysts as modern cnidarians do.[104]

    Some palaeontologists have suggested that animals appeared much earlier than the Cambrian explosion, possibly as early as 1 billion years ago.[105] Early fossils that might represent animals appear for example in the 665-million-year-old rocks of the Trezona Formation of South Australia. These fossils are interpreted as most probably being early sponges.[106] Trace fossils such as tracks and burrows found in the Tonian period (from 1 gya) may indicate the presence of triploblastic worm-like animals, roughly as large (about 5 mm wide) and complex as earthworms.[107] However, similar tracks are produced by the giant single-celled protist Gromia sphaerica, so the Tonian trace fossils may not indicate early animal evolution.[108][109] Around the same time, the layered mats of microorganisms called stromatolites decreased in diversity, perhaps due to grazing by newly evolved animals.[110] Objects such as sediment-filled tubes that resemble trace fossils of the burrows of wormlike animals have been found in 1.2 gya rocks in North America, in 1.5 gya rocks in Australia and North America, and in 1.7 gya rocks in Australia. Their interpretation as having an animal origin is disputed, as they might be water-escape or other structures.[111][112]


    Further information: Lists of animals

    External phylogeny

    Animals are monophyletic, meaning they are derived from a common ancestor. Animals are the sister group to the choanoflagellates, with which they form the Choanozoa.[113] Ros-Rocher and colleagues (2021) trace the origins of animals to unicellular ancestors, providing the external phylogeny shown in the cladogram. Uncertainty of relationships is indicated with dashed lines. The animal clade had certainly originated by 650 mya, and may have come into being as much as 800 mya, based on molecular clock evidence for different phyla.[114]

    OpisthokontaHolomycota (inc. fungi) HolozoaIchthyosporea Pluriformea FilozoaFilasterea ChoanozoaChoanoflagellateaAnimaliaover 650 mya

    Internal phylogeny

    The relationships at the base of the animal tree have been debated.[115][116] Other than Ctenophora, the Bilateria and Cnidaria are the only groups with symmetry, and other evidence shows they are closely related.[117] In addition to sponges, Placozoa has no symmetry and was often considered a “missing link” between protists and multicellular animals. The presence of hox genes in Placozoa shows that they were once more complex.[118]

    The Porifera (sponges) have long been assumed to be sister to the rest of the animals, but there is evidence that the Ctenophora may be in that position. Molecular phylogenetics has supported both the sponge-sister and ctenophore-sister hypotheses. In 2017, Roberto Feuda and colleagues, using amino acid differences, presented both, with the following cladogram for the sponge-sister view that they supported (their ctenophore-sister tree simply interchanging the places of ctenophores and sponges):[119]

    AnimaliaPorifera EumetazoaCtenophora ParaHoxozoaPlacozoa Cnidaria Bilateria symmetryhox genes

    Conversely, a 2023 study by Darrin Schultz and colleagues uses ancient gene linkages to construct the following ctenophore-sister phylogeny:[120]

    AnimaliaCtenophora MyriazoaPorifera ParaHoxozoaPlacozoa Cnidaria Bilateria symmetryhox genes


    Non-bilaterians include sponges (centre) and corals (background).

    Sponges are physically very distinct from other animals, and were long thought to have diverged first, representing the oldest animal phylum and forming a sister clade to all other animals.[121] Despite their morphological dissimilarity with all other animals, genetic evidence suggests sponges may be more closely related to other animals than the comb jellies are.[122][123] Sponges lack the complex organisation found in most other animal phyla;[124] their cells are differentiated, but in most cases not organised into distinct tissues, unlike all other animals.[125] They typically feed by drawing in water through pores, filtering out small particles of food.[126]

    The Ctenophora and Cnidaria are radially symmetric and have digestive chambers with a single opening, which serves as both mouth and anus.[127] Animals in both phyla have distinct tissues, but these are not organised into discrete organs.[128] They are diploblastic, having only two main germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm.[129]

    The tiny placozoans have no permanent digestive chamber and no symmetry; they superficially resemble amoebae.[130][131] Their phylogeny is poorly defined, and under active research.[122][132]


    Main articles: Bilateria and Symmetry (biology) § Bilateral symmetry

    The remaining animals, the great majority—comprising some 29 phyla and over a million species—form the Bilateria clade, which have a bilaterally symmetric body plan. The Bilateria are triploblastic, with three well-developed germ layers, and their tissues form distinct organs. The digestive chamber has two openings, a mouth and an anus, and in the Nephrozoa there is an internal body cavity, a coelom or pseudocoelom. These animals have a head end (anterior) and a tail end (posterior), a back (dorsal) surface and a belly (ventral) surface, and a left and a right side.[133][134] A modern consensus phylogenetic tree for the Bilateria is shown below.[135]

    BilateriaXenacoelomorpha NephrozoaDeuterostomiaAmbulacraria Chordata ProtostomiaEcdysozoa Spiralia 610 mya650 Mya
    Idealised nephrozoan body plan.[c] With an elongated body and a direction of movement the animal has head and tail ends. Sense organs and mouth form the basis of the head. Opposed circular and longitudinal muscles enable peristaltic motion.

    Having a front end means that this part of the body encounters stimuli, such as food, favouring cephalisation, the development of a head with sense organs and a mouth. Many bilaterians have a combination of circular muscles that constrict the body, making it longer, and an opposing set of longitudinal muscles, that shorten the body;[134] these enable soft-bodied animals with a hydrostatic skeleton to move by peristalsis.[136] They also have a gut that extends through the basically cylindrical body from mouth to anus. Many bilaterian phyla have primary larvae which swim with cilia and have an apical organ containing sensory cells. However, over evolutionary time, descendant spaces have evolved which have lost one or more of each of these characteristics. For example, adult echinoderms are radially symmetric (unlike their larvae), while some parasitic worms have extremely simplified body structures.[133][134]

    Genetic studies have considerably changed zoologists’ understanding of the relationships within the Bilateria. Most appear to belong to two major lineages, the protostomes and the deuterostomes.[137] It is often suggested that the basalmost bilaterians are the Xenacoelomorpha, with all other bilaterians belonging to the subclade Nephrozoa.[138][139][140] However, this suggestion has been contested, with other studies finding that xenacoelomorphs are more closely related to Ambulacraria than to other bilaterians.[141]

    Protostomes and deuterostomes

    Further information: Embryological origins of the mouth and anus

    Main articles: Protostome and Deuterostome

    The bilaterian gut develops in two ways. In many protostomes, the blastopore develops into the mouth, while in deuterostomes it becomes the anus.

    Protostomes and deuterostomes differ in several ways. Early in development, deuterostome embryos undergo radial cleavage during cell division, while many protostomes (the Spiralia) undergo spiral cleavage.[142] Animals from both groups possess a complete digestive tract, but in protostomes the first opening of the embryonic gut develops into the mouth, and the anus forms secondarily. In deuterostomes, the anus forms first while the mouth develops secondarily.[143][144] Most protostomes have schizocoelous development, where cells simply fill in the interior of the gastrula to form the mesoderm. In deuterostomes, the mesoderm forms by enterocoelic pouching, through invagination of the endoderm.[145]

    The main deuterostome phyla are the Ambulacraria and the Chordata.[146] Ambulacraria are exclusively marine and include acorn wormsstarfishsea urchins, and sea cucumbers.[147] The chordates are dominated by the vertebrates (animals with backbones),[148] which consist of fishesamphibiansreptilesbirds, and mammals.[149][150][151]

    The Spiralia develop with spiral cleavage in the embryo, as here in a sea snail.

    The protostomes include the Ecdysozoa, named after their shared trait of ecdysis, growth by moulting,[152] Among the largest ecdysozoan phyla are the arthropods and the nematodes.[153] The rest of the protostomes are in the Spiralia, named for their pattern of developing by spiral cleavage in the early embryo. Major spiralian phyla include the annelids and molluscs.[154]

    History of classification

    Further information: Taxonomy (biology)History of zoology through 1859, and History of zoology since 1859

    Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck led the creation of a modern classification of invertebrates, breaking up Linnaeus’s “Vermes” into 9 phyla by 1809.[155]

    In the classical era, Aristotle divided animals,[d] based on his own observations, into those with blood (roughly, the vertebrates) and those without. The animals were then arranged on a scale from man (with blood, two legs, rational soul) down through the live-bearing tetrapods (with blood, four legs, sensitive soul) and other groups such as crustaceans (no blood, many legs, sensitive soul) down to spontaneously generating creatures like sponges (no blood, no legs, vegetable soul). Aristotle was uncertain whether sponges were animals, which in his system ought to have sensation, appetite, and locomotion, or plants, which did not: he knew that sponges could sense touch and would contract if about to be pulled off their rocks, but that they were rooted like plants and never moved about.[156]

    In 1758, Carl Linnaeus created the first hierarchical classification in his Systema Naturae.[157] In his original scheme, the animals were one of three kingdoms, divided into the classes of VermesInsectaPiscesAmphibiaAves, and Mammalia. Since then, the last four have all been subsumed into a single phylum, the Chordata, while his Insecta (which included the crustaceans and arachnids) and Vermes have been renamed or broken up. The process was begun in 1793 by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, who called the Vermes une espèce de chaos (‘a chaotic mess’)[e] and split the group into three new phyla: worms, echinoderms, and polyps (which contained corals and jellyfish). By 1809, in his Philosophie Zoologique, Lamarck had created nine phyla apart from vertebrates (where he still had four phyla: mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish) and molluscs, namely cirripedes, annelids, crustaceans, arachnids, insects, worms, radiates, polyps, and infusorians.[155]

    In his 1817 Le Règne AnimalGeorges Cuvier used comparative anatomy to group the animals into four embranchements (‘branches’ with different body plans, roughly corresponding to phyla), namely vertebrates, molluscs, articulated animals (arthropods and annelids), and zoophytes (radiata) (echinoderms, cnidaria and other forms).[159] This division into four was followed by the embryologist Karl Ernst von Baer in 1828, the zoologist Louis Agassiz in 1857, and the comparative anatomist Richard Owen in 1860.[160]

    In 1874, Ernst Haeckel divided the animal kingdom into two subkingdoms: Metazoa (multicellular animals, with five phyla: coelenterates, echinoderms, articulates, molluscs, and vertebrates) and Protozoa (single-celled animals), including a sixth animal phylum, sponges.[161][160] The protozoa were later moved to the former kingdom Protista, leaving only the Metazoa as a synonym of Animalia.[162]

    In human culture

    Practical uses

    Main article: Human uses of animals

    Sides of beef in a slaughterhouse

    The human population exploits a large number of other animal species for food, both of domesticated livestock species in animal husbandry and, mainly at sea, by hunting wild species.[163][164] Marine fish of many species are caught commercially for food. A smaller number of species are farmed commercially.[163][165][166] Humans and their livestock make up more than 90% of the biomass of all terrestrial vertebrates, and almost as much as all insects combined.[167]

    Invertebrates including cephalopodscrustaceansinsects—principally bees and silkworms—and bivalve or gastropod molluscs are hunted or farmed for food, fibres.[168][169] Chickenscattlesheeppigs, and other animals are raised as livestock for meat across the world.[164][170][171] Animal fibres such as wool and silk are used to make textiles, while animal sinews have been used as lashings and bindings, and leather is widely used to make shoes and other items. Animals have been hunted and farmed for their fur to make items such as coats and hats.[172] Dyestuffs including carmine (cochineal),[173][174] shellac,[175][176] and kermes[177][178] have been made from the bodies of insects. Working animals including cattle and horses have been used for work and transport from the first days of agriculture.[179]

    Animals such as the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster serve a major role in science as experimental models.[180][181][182][183] Animals have been used to create vaccines since their discovery in the 18th century.[184] Some medicines such as the cancer drug trabectedin are based on toxins or other molecules of animal origin.[185]

    gun dog retrieving a duck during a hunt

    People have used hunting dogs to help chase down and retrieve animals,[186] and birds of prey to catch birds and mammals,[187] while tethered cormorants have been used to catch fish.[188] Poison dart frogs have been used to poison the tips of blowpipe darts.[189][190] A wide variety of animals are kept as pets, from invertebrates such as tarantulas, octopuses, and praying mantises,[191] reptiles such as snakes and chameleons,[192] and birds including canariesparakeets, and parrots[193] all finding a place. However, the most kept pet species are mammals, namely dogscats, and rabbits.[194][195][196] There is a tension between the role of animals as companions to humans, and their existence as individuals with rights of their own.[197]

    A wide variety of terrestrial and aquatic animals are hunted for sport.[198]

    Symbolic uses

    The signs of the Western and Chinese zodiacs are based on animals.[199][200] In China and Japan, the butterfly has been seen as the personification of a person’s soul,[201] and in classical representation the butterfly is also the symbol of the soul.[202][203]

    Artistic vision: Still Life with Lobster and Oysters by Alexander Coosemans, c. 1660

    Animals have been the subjects of art from the earliest times, both historical, as in ancient Egypt, and prehistoric, as in the cave paintings at Lascaux. Major animal paintings include Albrecht Dürer‘s 1515 The Rhinoceros, and George Stubbs‘s c. 1762 horse portrait Whistlejacket.[204] Insects, birds and mammals play roles in literature and film,[205] such as in giant bug movies.[206][207][208]

    Animals including insects[201] and mammals[209] feature in mythology and religion. The scarab beetle was sacred in ancient Egypt,[210] and the cow is sacred in Hinduism.[211] Among other mammals, deer,[209] horses,[212] lions,[213] bats,[214] bears,[215] and wolves[216] are the subjects of myths and worship.